• Wonderful Casablanca
  • This tourist city Casablanca Morocco which you enjoyed by the tourist areas.

  • Charming Oran
  • We often hear about the tourist city of Oran, which flock to a lot of tourists from all over the world, and is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world ...

  • The Golf in Tunisia
  • Not far from Europe, and with a mild climate all year round and the sun's rays with a distinct, agents made from Tunisia in addition to other qualities and a distinct point of those who want to practice sport scepter.

  • Tourism Events in Algiers : Part II
  • In this part will be the subject of the article about the areas and tourist attractions of Algiers these places contrary to the places mentioned in the Part I.

  • Nabeul and magnificent Hammamet
  • In the heart of great beauty fertile region, green fields vibrant fragrance of the sea - all of Nabeul and Hammamet is located...

    Showing posts with label Moroccan tourist areas. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label Moroccan tourist areas. Show all posts

    Sunday, April 26, 2015

    Beautiful Fez

    Doors Fez

    Fez, the capital of an ancient culture and religious sciences in Morocco, and see the magnificent antique schools here and there in various parts of this present originality as the cradle of science and knowledge.

    Antique schools

    FezAntique school in the historic cultural heritage Moroccan scientific institution memorize the Quran and teach all types of traditional sciences, including mathematics, and as history, astronomy, medicine and other classical knowledge. And antique school in Moroccan history, and in Fez in particular, is working to receive and accommodate students coming from other regions request for information. And usually those are built around a central courtyard of the school is equipped with water fountain. And organizes workshops and science achievement under the arcades and magnificent columns surrounding this yard.

    The oldest university in the world

    Collector villagers most important and grandest mosque in Morocco. There you enter to the campus oldest university in the world, where it was founded in the mid-nineteenth century. And in this era was scholars and scientists are studying basic science Islamic: the origins of religion and as and Sharia. And on the other side you will find a school Attarine, which is the most beautiful vintage antique school in the city.

    School Attarine


    Marinids created this masterpiece in the period between the years 1323 and 1325. and interior courtyards decorated nicely. Walls and a painting strong inscriptions, wood or gypsum, to glorious verses written Arabic script Moroccan authentic. The fountain and columns are decorated with wonderful Moroccan zellij tiles.

    Albuananah school

    This school, which was built in the period between 1350 and 1357. Is the biggest antique scientific school in Fez. What to stand at its entrance so belonged distraught delicious to those wonderful heavy doors and panes bronze elaborate made and impressed particularly impressed a lot of ceramic tiles decorated and Cyrenaica and paper engravings gypsum, wood and carved and Rattles engraved brilliantly and known Palmers among those who know architecture Muslims and masters of the art of building with Meridinide. The courtyard of the school and courtyard veneered by alarmed and marble and topped with friezes of green tiles, which is renowned for its Fez.

    Scientific schools scattered in the ancient city of Fez art world and the aesthetic beauty of the system architecture and experiencing the splendor Marinid Fez  engineering.

    Saturday, March 21, 2015

    Marrakech attractive : Part II

    Antique City

    In the first part, was the subject of the article is Marrakech in the present and it changed the old magic but in this part, I will talk about the customs and traditions of old Marrakech and cultural monuments, which are still vibrant yet
    therefore, Marrakech is one of the most beautiful cities in Morroco and it have a high tourism. after that, I begin my article by the Antique City 

    Antique City

    Koutoubia and snow-covered peaks of the Atlas :
    In the old city, its markets filled with thousands of goods and garments and traditional jewelery, protected behind tall fences back built to the twelfth century, people go out each of them to their concerns outside of time, as if the world has changed around them, although it has become more modern, world might ring the mobile phone in a time when the punishment entertain the audience in the Djemaa el Fna square, for example; that is the Forum inescapable and never empty. And gives you the Andalusian Arabic gardens, which is home to the tombs of Saadi, a moment of tranquility takes you away from the crowd of people, to show your fonts to visit shrines with her two gorgeous rooms ornate under the shadow of the magnificent lighthouse in the mosque of al-Mansur. And not far from it that you can enjoy unparalleled views on the roofs of the whole city from the balconies of the magnificent palace. And in the northeast corner you can contemplate the old pulpit of the Koutoubia Mosque, a platform decorated sculptures and inlays minutes exquisite beauty.


    Koutoubia and Ben Youssef Mosque :
    Converted to Islam to unleash your steps which drive to Ben Joseph School, Koranic school, which in the past has attracted hundreds of students in an atmosphere elevates the spirit. Not far from it, always in the center of town, you will not miss the Museum of Marrakech, which has recently been set in Al Minabahy built palace, which dates back to the nineteenth century. And this museum will give you eight centuries of art and craft traditions in Morocco. And please do not hesitate to go to the fountain "drink and see" with a stunning composition and wood facade, which date back to the sixteenth century! And if you head a little to the east you will find a neighborhood tanners which is indispensable for you to visit, it's a real journey in the world of wit where the smells and colors take you away. Boarded one of the traditional vehicles to pray to the lighthouse. It's a small building surrounded by a huge basin. Joined to Marrakech population in their stroll in there, but before that, do not forget that you have endured the harbor and merry of cuisine that can Tqtnoha in the ancient city, because the famous city of Marrakech is also the art of cooking!
    Their neighborhoods and the city's various gardens and magnificent effects and found open to you from where you want to Marrakech

    Friday, March 20, 2015

    Marrakech attractive : Part I


    Marrakech more than just a city jewel that it is refined history and love the warm hospitality, has mastered the art of welcoming her guests
    Standing ovation for centuries.

    Last meeting and present

    Majorelle gardens contain a variety of plants brought from all over the world and that flourish along ponds and elegant art deco villa. The remains of Yves Saint Laurent are diffuse in these places. And from this charming place you can use one of the traditional vehicles to go to the palm groves that are essential for you to roaming. In the same way you can heading to the lighthouse, which is one of the most important landmarks of Marrakech. This elegant building, which features a green brick and who stands tall amid the great basin. And to this place go Marrakchi families in search of some recovery during the hottest days.

    Sweetness Marrakech

    When you return to the town red, you enjoy Ice cream or Sweets or cold drinks in facilities located in Cleese: Modern region in Marrakech. Luxury shops, banks and galleries and balconies tea cafes: city red combines the grandeur of the past and vibrant present. Marrakech city full of life and enthusiasm reveals where each side of the aspects of a special dynamic. So explorings and meetings and tours picturesque and exotic memories are all not going to shy away from the charm of the traveler. Heartbreak of separation is the only thing that lurks visitors at the farewell, but the expanse hope to meet with another relative ease at the heart of the visitor and what do you pay to enjoy on the balconies sweetly last night's crescent travels in the sky and embraced nuggets clouds ...
    Marrakech gives simple pleasure for those who are motivated by the desire for discovery and convergence.

    Magic Marrakech

    It's dedicate the city's historic space out from the norm in security and friendship. Explain this city lies in what is owned by the inherent charm and splendor babe and simpler.
    so, marrakesh gives simple pleasure for those who are motivated by the desire for discovery and convergence.

    Generally, Marrakech gives simple pleasure for those who are motivated by the desire for discovery and convergence.

    Sunday, March 1, 2015

    Meknes heritage and simplicity

    The walls of Bab Mansour

    Meknes imperial capital, where an attractive and fun to live here. Despite the richness of the historical heritage, it still maintains the simplicity of its authenticity.
    Top laurels

    The walls of Bab Mansour

    In the seventeenth century, the work of the upper Sultan Moulay Ismail to make Meknes one of the most beautiful and the most powerful imperial cities of Morocco. To this day, this parameter is surrounded by forty kilometers of fences still, preserve the majestic effects including many of the mosques, which earned it the nickname "City percent minaret." Among these mosques, we recall the Great Mosque, which was built in the twelfth century, which features Bibwabh with beautiful carved cornices. Thanks to her hometown of antique and the rest of the royal palace of Meknes landmarks included within the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites. The city is still thriving, thanks to agricultural crops plain Sais (cereals and olive trees and vines).

    Gates and palaces

    Bab Mansour was constructed in the early eighteenth century, and is one of the most beautiful doors in the world. This is the main entrance door to enter the historic city and visit the tomb of Sultan Moulay Ismail. And you are able to sit in a moment of overwhelming hopes on the edge of basin "Agdal" rectangle shape.

    Markets and vital places

    The ancient city of Meknes of the most beautiful ancient cities of Morocco notorious. Includes Square "Ahudam" that exist exactly between the ancient city and part of the imperial capital, covered market is active at dusk: Navtho fire, storytellers Busters animals and Hawwah, all included those contributing to the creation of a charming atmosphere of graduation than Ofattmoh.

    Traditional culture

    Regional Ethnographic Museum located Palace "University House" within the beautiful Andalusian character with a wonderful garden. And where you will find unique products from the city's past: jeweled embroidery thread of gold, ceramics and ancient jewelry, all elements give us an overview of the past glories of the kingdom.

    Roman ruins

    Just 31 kilometers north of Meknes, is the largest Romanian archaeological sites in Morocco: and Lily. Arc de Triomphe, the seat of power, the Temple of Bacchus, the effects of witnessing the beauty of the city and economic and political power, not to mention the decorations Alvesevsaúh kind gone viewers. And your journey will take at least two hours prior to arrival to these treasures.

    Became the city of Meknes and the rule of Sultan in the seventeenth century, so that the period of the reign of Sultan Moulay Ismail made it comparable in terms of opulence and wealth was in effect at the time Palace "Versailles".

    Agadir sun and the beach

    Agadir city

    This beach station, which occupies the position Wali between counterparts in Morocco, is alien to the fore centers are available as they are on a soft sandy beach extends over an area of ​​approximately ten Kelmtrut and where the sun is shining over 300 days throughout the year.

    Sunbathing and swimming

    Climate ailing legendary Agadir bright Bashmesh throughout the 300 day year-round and soft sandy beach extended over a distance of about ten kilometers, the city awarded qualifications capable of ensuring the success of beach holidays and make it memorable. Vokadir one of the few areas that are available on the most beautiful bays in the world, and the recreational port which left untouched between the wings can accommodate hundreds of recreational boats.


    Cornish, who has now granted a configured for lovers of landscape chance to stroll the waterfront at any time of the day for them merry. It also provides them with a comprehensive sight oversees the entire Gulf. And if you are not in Okadr Tfutinkm visit Permanent vital port.

    Stalk Antique

    Following the 1960 earthquake trachea did not keep Bosoarha of openings, but this site features a comprehensive view allows you to watch the Gulf, the port and the new city. It is a view robs kernels at sunset that give the city time gold Bohatha dim elegance and beauty.

    New Antique City

    If Atjhtm a little to the south of the city center, you'll Nki_von place rarely seen has ever seen: the new old city, which was rebuilt in the nineties by the Italian architect "Coco Polizi" in the architectural form of authentic harmonic spread in the traditional industry of luxury shops and restaurants. It Anjar wonderful, authentic and intrepid is a homogeneous mixture which reflected the spirit of the Moroccan identity. The Moroccan cafe jewelry market traditional understanding deserve more than just a fleeting visit.

    Saturday, February 28, 2015

    Wonderful Casablanca

    Casablanca at night

    Business, shops, concerts and Moroccan life well-off ... All of this happens in Casablanca! And dynamic energy manifested frankly there.

    Energy modernity:

    Architectural traditions in the economic capital continues with the launch of the Hassan II Mosque in 30 of the month of August 1993. The mosque is one of the largest mosques in the world, and up to a height of 200 meters. Modern life Casablanca is not only enlarged image of life in the bustling neighborhood Maarif, it was an old poor area located west of the Arab League, the garden has gradually turned into one of the most prominent parts of the city. Bringing this neighborhood, which is dominated by the twin towers, a place frequented Moroccan youth on the streets of upscale Almtagralfajma prestigious institutions. As above, the other is alive Vtad of luxury neighborhoods in Casablanca, which is worth a visit. And in the city center, kept Mohammed V Boqguash street lined by shops and restaurants underneath over approximately two kilometers ,.


    At the end of the day, go on a tour to the Ain Diab Beach, between beacon "palate" and the tomb of "* Sidi Abdel Rahman", located in a small village can only be reached at the time of the islands. This coast is beach station attached to Casablanca. Has been the establishment of public swimming pools and beaches Okhash this site. Go there to enjoy the view of the sunset and the recovery remains on the balconies fantastic fun classic. Every weekend Casablanca residents presence loves this place. Nightclubs as to continue late into the night, activate this city that never sleeps.
    Casablanca, Morocco embodies the modern co-exist in harmony with the rich heritage, is the result of a long and glorious history.